Author - Constantin NaculRank Math SEO признан самым популярным и мощным плагином для WordPress и SEO-инструментом в мире. И на это есть веские причины. Этот плагин используется как основной инструмент блогерами и SEO-специалистами по всему миру. Почему он так хорош и...
Как продвигать личный бренд в Instagram в 2024 году?
Author - Constantin NaculЗарекомендовать себя как эксперта, построить прочную репутацию и производить неизгладимое впечатление на окружающих — достичь этих целей позволяет личный бренд. Речь о том, как люди воспринимают вас, ваши ценности, навыки и ваш продукт или...
Плагин Yoast для SEO-оптимизации в WordPress: руководство по настройке.
Author - Constantin NaculСоздавая новый сайт, вебмастер надеется, что сайт будет стабильно заполнять своими ссылками топ по выбранным запросам, станет собирать тысячи посетителей в день и, как итог, начнет приносить стабильно высокий доход. Однако, чтобы поисковики,...
How to set up and optimize dynamic remarketing.
Author - Constantin NaculДинамический ремаркетинг в Google Ads позволяет напомнить клиенту о вашем товаре, вернуть его на сайт и подтолкнуть к покупке. Он так эффективен благодаря одной из своих главных преимуществ — персонализированности. В этой статье я расскажу,...
How does Google Ads generate responsive search ads?
What are responsive search ads? Responsive Search Ads (RSA) is an advanced advertising feature of Google Ads that allows advertisers to create more flexible and effective advertising campaigns. RSA are designed for automatic...
What is meta description in SEO?
Author - Constantin NaculMeta description is a short description of the contents of a web page, usually around 150-160 characters. It appears below the page title in search engine results and serves as a summary to entice users to click on the link....
What is CPM in advertising?
CPM, which stands for Cost Per Thousand, is a common advertising measure that refers to the cost per 1,000 impressions of an advertisement on a single web page. If a site charges $2 per CPM, that means the advertiser must pay $2 for every 1000...
What is the key value proposition of google search campaigns?
In a dynamic digital marketing landscape where trends come and go, Google search campaigns remain a resilient and proven strategy for increasing your brand awareness. Despite the variety of marketing tools and tactics, these campaigns consistently...
How does Google Ads work? A Guide for Beginners in Online Advertising
To successfully promote your business on the Internet, it is very important to have effective tools. Google Ads is one of them. This service allows advertisers not only to place ads, but also to reach the desired target audience, search for new clients and...
Partnership with DesignRush - an innovative platform for finding the best digital agencies
Dits.agancy is pleased to announce the launch of a collaboration with DesignRush, a leading platform specializing in the selection of high-quality digital agencies. Founded in 2017, the DesignRush platform is designed to make it easy to choose the perfect agency for...
WooCommerce Guide
WooCommerce is a popular plugin that adds online store functionality to WordPress. Since 2017, it was bought by the company that developed the WordPress engine, and is now personally involved in the support and development of the plugin. In this article we will look at the main nuances...
What are the three required parts of a text ad?
A text ad is made up of three main components: a headline, a description and a display URL. In the world of digital advertising (Google Ads), a well-designed text ad has three main components that work together to grab attention...