How to return clients? Repeat or missed sales? Then Remarketing will help you sell

Remarketing and retargeting:

  • Reminding users about your product
  • Returns potential buyers to the site
  • Improves image and recognition effect
  • Increases sales

No ads match Google's remarketing and Yandex retargeting capabilities.

Neither TV, nor radio, nor print ads are able to bring the user back to the site where he was going to make a purchase.

And remarketing and retargeting can!

Remarketing 1

How does remarketing and retargeting work?

A user who visited your site, wanted to buy / order, was interested in a product or service, and left without making a purchase / order, in the future will see an advertisement for your site on other Internet resources.

This will allow the user to return to make a purchase or order, i.e. the potentially lost client returned to the site and brought you a conversion!

How remarketing works

Features of remarketing (retargeting)

Segmenting potential customers depending on their behavior on the site.

Payment is made only for clicks on advertisements.

Remarting works in the networks Google Ads (AdWords), Yandex Direct, Facebook, etc.

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