Website builders: pros, cons and myths about them

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Internet technologies are developing more and more every year. Today, you don't need to be a professional web designer or developer to create your website. One of the tools for creating your own web project is website builders. With their help, even a beginner can launch a website within a few hours. There are many platforms on the market such as Wix, Tilda and Squarespace. However, despite this rise in popularity, the attitude towards designers remains rather ambiguous both among customers and among freelancers. So platforms for creating websites: pros and cons.

Website builders: pros, cons and myths about them 1

Advantages of website builders:

Saving development costs

Developing a website from scratch can cost a pretty penny. Designers provide the opportunity to launch a website at minimal cost. Sometimes the main functionality is even provided for free.


Instead of long weeks or even months of development, with the builder you can get a ready-made website in a few days or even hours.

Updates and technical support

You don't have to worry about the technical side of maintenance: the platforms are regularly updated, fixing bugs and adding new features.

No programming required

Intuitive interfaces with drag-and-drop functionality allow you to create websites without diving into the world of code.


Most platforms provide comprehensive solutions: hosting, domain name, SSL certificates, etc.

A variety of templates for different topics

Most website builders offer a library of design templates that you can customize to suit your needs.


Website builders: pros, cons and myths about them 2



Some “heavy” templates can slow down the loading of the site, which negatively affects the user experience and positions in search engines.

Not unique design

Despite the variety of templates, many website builders look similar, which can reduce their recognition. However, with customization options and a little effort, you can create a memorable design for your website. 

Service provider dependency

Your data and content are on the builder platform. If a service stops working or changes terms, this could become a problem.

Limited opportunities

For complex and specific tasks such as creating large online stores or integration with some external services, constructors may not be suitable.

Popular myths about website builders:

Over the years, several myths have arisen around website builders.

Here are some of the most popular:

  • “Sites are not optimized for SEO”

Reality: modern website builders often have built-in SEO tools and allow you to create custom meta tags, URL structures, and more.

  • “Websites created with the builder cannot handle e-commerce or advanced functions”

Reality: Many website builders such as Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace offer robust e-commerce capabilities, integrations, and extensions that can meet the basic needs of online stores.

  • “Such sites are not safe”

Reality: Most reputable website developers invest in securing both their reputation and the safety of their users. They often include SSL certificates and support a secure infrastructure.

  • “In the long run, websites built on a website builder are more expensive”

Reality: This may vary. Despite ongoing subscription costs, custom-built websites often come with costs such as hosting, domain, SSL certificates, and potential upgrade and maintenance costs.

  • "They don't scale"

Reality: While there may be some limitations compared to a website developed from scratch, many developers offer advanced features and integrations that suit growing businesses.

  • “Moving from the website builder is not possible”

Reality: While moving from a website builder to another platform or CMS may require time and resources, that doesn't mean it's impossible. The key here is planning, maintaining content, and perhaps calling in experts to ensure a smooth transition.

There are many specialized services and companies that offer website migration services. This makes the moving process less time consuming and scary.

  • “Websites on the builder are not optimized for mobile devices”

Reality: Given the emphasis on mobile browsing, most modern website developers favor mobile-responsive designs, ensuring sites display correctly on a variety of screen sizes.


Knowing the intricacies of the needs of our clients, the company has developed the Simple Dits platform. It combines the best aspects of a website builder with the flexibility of custom development. Whether you're creating an online store, a portfolio, or a corporate website, Simple Dits provides all the tools you need to make your project a reality.