Alteration of the online store Karcher Georgia


Alteration of the online store Karcher Georgia 1
The company is the official representative of the Karcher brand in Georgia. The Karcher equipment is appreciated for its high functionality and reliability, which became possible due to the introduction of innovative solutions. Currently Karcher is one of the world leaders in the production of cleaning and cleaning equipment.

Old site appearance

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Project objectives

The previous site of the company did not work badly, but required a complete update, not only of the design, but of the entire core of the site. We were faced with the following tasks:

Migrating a Site from OpenCart to WordPress

Creation of modern design


Moving site functionality from OpenCart to Woocommerce


Implementation of multilingual systems, online payment and loan application

Full site responsiveness


Transferring old content - products, categories, articles

Saving SEO, setting up redirects

Speed up website loading times

New site pages

Home page

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Home & Garden Menu

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Professional menu

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Menu Sale and service

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Sale Block, Discount Products

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Main product categories

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Featured Products Block


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Main category, description

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Main category, subcategories

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Complex category, product filter by characteristics

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Difficult category, products

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Difficult category, about goods

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Category with subcategories

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Simple category with products


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Short description, gallery with photo thumbnails, navigation 

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Product description 

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Product characteristics 

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Downloads, operating instructions 

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Product accessories block

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Block Related Products

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Items in the cart 

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Items in the cart 

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Order cost 

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Site responsiveness

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The result of the website rework

Moved site from OpenCart to WordPress and Woocommerce

Added functionality - product filtering, product badges, etc.


We introduced payment systems through several banks and an application for the purchase of a loan

Introduced a multilingual system - 3 languages


Redesigned all site pages to improve UX

100% site-wide responsiveness

All content and links of the old site are saved


301 redirects of all old links made

The UX of the site has grown dramatically, according to customer reviews


Site loading speed increased from 6s to 2-3s on all pages

Website rework, content transfer took 25 days

Customer testimonial

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