Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL


Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 1

"Euroros Grup" SRL carries out anti-corrosion treatment of metal structures of varying complexity. Anti-corrosion protection of metal, applied by professionals, not only protects metal structures from corrosion damage, but also gives them a neat appearance.



Project objectives

Creating a multilingual Landing page

Full site responsiveness


Filling content

Website preparation for SEO

New site pages

Home page

Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 2


Full width slider

Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 3



Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 4



Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 5



Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 6



Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 7



Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 8



Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 9



Site responsiveness

Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 10
Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 11
Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 12
Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 13
Landing page for the company "Euroros Grup" SRL 14

The result of the website rework

Website development, content transfer took 2 days

100% site-wide responsiveness


The site is filled with content

Added functionality for SEO parameters

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