Straight to the Top: 9 Landing Page SEO Features


We tell you how to get the most organics.

The trend for creating landing pages does not fade away - 2-3 screens are enough to promote a product or service, and creating a one-page landing page is much easier than bothering with a website.

Usually, landing pages are planted with contextual and targeted advertising. How to get organic? Competing with sites is quite difficult, because the top in your subject is already taken. One-pagers lose to sites in terms of textual, link and behavioral factors. But if you try, it is quite possible to claim some amount of organic matter.

In this article, we will share the features of landing page SEO promotion that will help you get the most organic traffic.

Emphasis on mid-range and low-frequency requests

We recommend working with this frequency, since large multi-page sites are ranked by high-frequency queries.

On a project to promote vending machines, we have collected a pool of requests with a frequency of 200 and below. Yes, we deliberately do not go where there is no chance.

Here's what happened:

Straight to the Top: 9 Landing Page SEO Features 1

Promotion by commercial requests

Landing should sell, therefore, in promotion, one should focus on requests with a commercial intent (“buy a vending machine”, “price of a vending machine”), and not informational (“what is a vending machine”).

After all requests for the project have been collected, they must be cleared of informational ones. We do it in Pixel.

Open: "Tools" → "Semantic core" → "Geo-dependence, localization and commercialization". Choose a search engine, promotion region, check depth (up to top 10/25/50). Requests with a commercialization degree of more than 50% are considered commercial.

The queries "buy a vending machine", "vending machines price" and "vending kiosks" are commercial, that's why we used them in one-page promotion.

Choosing a cluster of keys that best suits your topic

A landing page covers one need by request, and a multi-page site covers different groups of requests with separate pages.

Clustering divides requests into groups, depending on the similarity of the results for them. For example, you need to split requests by one need:

  • "buy a car bu";
  • "buy a new car";
  • "buying a used car";
  • "buy a new car"

In this case, the 1st request will be in the same group as the 3rd, and the 2nd will be combined with the 4th.

Simple clustering with a small semantic core can be done manually using Excel. However, with a lot of data, it is better to work in automated services - for example, Just-Magic - to reduce the likelihood of errors.

We load all collected semantics into Just-Magic. We set the region and the search engine, since the results for the same queries will differ in different regions and search engines.

In both cases, the output should be several groups of requests, each of which is relevant to a specific need. To promote the landing, select one group. The number of requests in it should not exceed 20, otherwise the search engine will consider the site to be re-optimized.

We check the results obtained manually. So we can make sure that there are no "left" requests in the group, and the rest are suitable for the landing.

Filling the site with an eye on competitors

When evaluating the appearance of a landing page, look at competitors - it is with them that the search robot will compare you. You must surpass him in every way. There are not enough certificates or reviews on the site - add it. And, of course, remember other important blocks:

  1. Prices (tariffs), company addresses, phone numbers, maps, photos of goods or services. They inspire confidence and motivate to apply.
  2. Lead forms. They should contain no more than 3-5 lines and help you quickly leave an application or contacts.
  3. Surveys, calculators, etc. Interactive attracts attention and improves behavioral factors.
  4. Links to social networks. We recommend placing them in the footer of the landing page so that the user does not go to them until he has viewed all the screens.

Selection of questions for the FAQ

Collect a list of popular questions on the subject of the landing page in Serpstat, arrange it in the form of a “question and answer”. Answers can be made in the form of a drop-down list - search engines will see and scan all the text, and the user will expand only the question of interest to him.

Straight to the Top: 9 Landing Page SEO Features 2

In addition, FAQ micro-markup will help search engines understand what content is contained on the page and form a rich snippet in Google's SERP.

Answers to questions can be displayed in Yandex quick answers for 1 position in the search results, as well as in rich Google snippets.

Linking a landing page to a region

This is your trump card. Projects for which landing pages are created, as a rule, have a clear regional attachment. It makes no sense to promote with a one-pager across the country - it will be swallowed up by business sharks in your subject. For a landing page to sell, tie it to a specific region. And if you work all over Russia, get ready to make your own landing page for each region or use geo-independent phrases.

Let's say you enter a geo-independent query "buy flowers in Barnaul". The search robot is more likely to show you a flower delivery landing page with reference to Barnaul than without it. Moreover, the issue will not differ for users from different regions.

Therefore, if you want to actively promote in your city, indicate the regionality. You can do this in Yandex.Business and Google My Business, as well as in Webmaster.

Link Building

To promote any site, including a landing page, you need a link mass. It's one thing when you have a multi-page site and you can influence the weight of its pages by linking, and another thing when you have only one page. The only way out in this case is to increase the reference mass.

There are several options for how to do this:

  • Place links on authoritative resources. On the project to promote the workwear landing page, we selected donor sites on the stock exchanges with similar topics. After that, we checked the list of donors, made sure of their reputation, good attendance, and ordered the placement of links.
  • Make reposts on social media. Links from a group in social networks also give weight to your landing page, so do not discount VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter.

Landing page adaptation for mobile

We already wrote that when creating an adaptive version of the site, the theme is important. But landing pages are a different story. In contrast to the site, which can be presented many goods and services, the landing page contains one offer. And if in the first 3 seconds the user does not understand what is offered to him, he will close this landing page. Mobile traffic is on the rise, so your landing page needs to be responsive to all types of devices.

This means that all elements must be displayed correctly: images are not cut off and do not move out, tables look normal. Compress images to speed up your website loading. Usually ready-made engines for landing pages already adaptively display content, but check it with your hands just in case. 

And a few basic principles of SEO promotion in the end

Don't forget the cap points:

  • Add a meta description - title, description and h1. It is responsible for an attractive snippet in the SERP. Even this one action can lead to the top (provided that there is no bright competition). To enhance the effect of the snippet, you can add emoji if your competitors use them.
  • Keep track of the volume of key occurrences and distribute them evenly throughout the landing page.
  • Check the uniqueness of the text - it should be from 75 to 90%. In our practice, we focus on 85% and higher, but ideally we strive for 100%.
  • Put anchor links to the main sections of the page (Main page, Why choose us, etc.). It will be convenient for users to navigate to the information they need.

You can get organic content from a landing page, as well as bring it to the top. This requires a high-quality study of semantics, appearance and, of course, analysis of competitors. And, having achieved what you want, you need to track changes in algorithms and improve SEO, making the landing page user-friendly.

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